
Interrogate Biology

The discovery of new and better targets for drug development requires a deep understanding of the intricate biological mechanisms underlying disease. This understanding is typically achieved by studying the molecular biology of cells and tissues through various biological assays.

There are various assays available that can provide crucial information about biological activity and how different molecules interact with potential drug targets. The decision of which assay to use depends on the nature of the target, mode of action, cell types, and disease models being used.

By analyzing the data from these assays, scientists can gain valuable insights into the molecular pathways that are disrupted in disease and identify potential therapeutic targets. By leveraging the power of our biological assays, you can identify novel targets and develop treatments that are more precise and effective than ever before.

Explore Our Assays Specifically Designed for Target Discovery


爱游戏平台注册登录 公司提供種類豐富的生物發光及熒光活體成像試劑,包括種類豐富的腫瘤發光細胞株、發光細菌、發光底物、慢病毒轉染試劑盒、功能性熒光探針、熒光染料、熒光標記試劑盒等,為您在進行疾病相關生物標誌物及疾病通路研究中提供廣闊的應用選擇。 僅供科學研究,非臨床診斷用途。

Nucleic Acid Purification

Isolation of high-quality nucleic acids from patient samples or model systems is a key component of today’s genomic analysis methods. Our high-performance workflows provide an innovative and efficient answer for this challenge...

Precision Gene Editing and Modulation

Gene editing techniques are among the most powerful tools to unravel molecular pathways. They involve inactivating a gene’s function (knockout), adding a reporter tag to an endogenous gene (knock-in), or introducing or correcting an SNP mutation.

Explore Our Assays Specifically Designed for Drug Development


如果您正在尋找優質輻射探測解決方案,即擁有史無前例的靈敏度和性能,以及無與倫比的可靠品質,我們可以提供幫助! 65年來,爱游戏平台注册登录 一直是輻射探測解決方案的領先供應商和合作夥伴,提供多種產品,既有儀器和放射化學品,又有液體閃爍液、小瓶和微孔板,而賦予科學家能力的專業知識更不在話下。如今也不例外。幾十年來您所依賴的品質,現在的功能得以增強,它可進一步簡化您的工作流程,確保您在分析中得出檢出限,從而提升您的競爭力。我們為您提供一站式服務,滿足您的一切輻射探測需求!


爱游戏平台注册登录 公司提供種類豐富的生物發光及熒光活體成像試劑,包括種類豐富的腫瘤發光細胞株、發光細菌、發光底物、慢病毒轉染試劑盒、功能性熒光探針、熒光染料、熒光標記試劑盒等,為您在進行疾病相關生物標誌物及疾病通路研究中提供廣闊的應用選擇。 僅供科學研究,非臨床診斷用途。

Nucleic Acid Purification

Isolation of high-quality nucleic acids from patient samples or model systems is a key component of today’s genomic analysis methods. Our high-performance workflows provide an innovative and efficient answer for this challenge...

Precision Gene Editing and Modulation

Gene editing techniques are among the most powerful tools to unravel molecular pathways. They involve inactivating a gene’s function (knockout), adding a reporter tag to an endogenous gene (knock-in), or introducing or correcting an SNP mutation.

Explore Our Assays for Drug Discovery Workflows: Target Discovery to Drug Development Through Lead ID & Optimization


Luciferase assays allow for the study of transcriptional gene expression, virus life cycles, and cell viability, making them significant tools for drug developm ...


AlphaPlex Multiplexing Kits

基於我們久經考驗的Alpha技術,AlphaPlex™是一種均相的all-in-one-well多標記檢測技術,能夠以簡單的免洗方式提供高靈敏度的分析物檢測。現在,您可以在單個孔中量化多個分析物,以獲得更快,更準確的結果,即使隻有很少量的樣品量。 高度靈敏度和準確性 高重複性 同時檢測多種分析物:從小核苷酸和大(MDa ...



用常規方法進行蛋白和核酸的準確定量分析是比較困難的。我們的TSA試劑盒可以大幅提升免疫組化、免疫熒光和原位雜交的信號強度,並且對檢測設備無特殊要求。 我們也可以在單張圖像上實現七色(含DAPI)複染的多標記蛋白檢測。其工作流程與標準的免疫組化方案類似,而且不必擔心抗體物種來源造成的交叉幹擾,全部選用效率最高的抗體完成多 ...


Commercial Cell Lines

Our Horizon products and services combine innovative technology with deep practical expertise to provide unrivaled cell line engineering solutions. Our dedicate ...


Cell Counting: Kits and Consumables

Nexcelom Bioscience offers a wide range of cell stains and kits for cell counting and cell-based assays. Our reagents are optimized to work with Cellometer and ...



Apotracker™ by BioLegned is a novel, environmentally sensitive probe fluorogenic probe that binds to apoptotic cells in a Ca2+ independent manner, so no special ...


Magnetic Cell Separation

Specific antibodies that are conjugated to magnetic particles bind to cells expressing the target antigen. Applying a magnetic field attracts these cells toward ...


Antibody-Based Cell Characterization

Antibodies form the backbone of flow cytometry conjugates, and we feature one of the largest clone libraries in the industry. Primary antibodies bind to antigen ...


No-Wash and Wash Immunoassays and Western Blot

爱游戏平台注册登录 offers immunoassay platforms to easily assess your biologically relevant samples. Give your research the best chance of success with reliable and ea ...


Multiplex Immunoassays : LEGENDPlex

BioLegend's LEGENDplex™ is a bead-based immunoassay that utilizes the basic principles of sandwich immunoassays, whereby a soluble analyte is captured between t ...


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